Vietnamese people master AI technology, confidently reaching out to the world


According to the results of the FRTE (Face Recognition Technology Evaluation) 1:N Identification assessment published in February 2024 by the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), the Center for Data Services and Artificial Intelligence (Viettel AI) entered the top 10 in 5 out of 8 categories, including ranked 4th in the world, ranked 1st in Vietnam in the Mugshot Profile 90 category (face recognition at an angle).

Overcoming difficulties to build comprehensive facial recognition technology

The FRTE assessment includes 8 categories, which are 8 face search and recognition problems in different conditions such as non-frontal photos, low resolution, poor lighting... Each category is a The problem is difficult because such non-ideal conditions affect the accuracy and performance of the technology.

Not only that, the NIST assessment sets many strict standards to find a method that is both accurate in identification and optimal in terms of processing time, ensuring high practical applicability. The solutions are required to process data files of up to 12 million people with high complexity when there are many faces with similar characteristics.

Thanks to continuous research and testing of technology, combined with practical experience in the product development process, Viettel AI engineers have gradually troubleshooted to come up with the most complete final technology.

Explaining the impressive results of being in the top 10 in the world in 5 out of 8 categories, reaching top 4 in the world and top 1 in Vietnam in the 90-degree Mugshot Profile category, a representative of the research team at Viettel AI shared: "Viettel AI aims to build a general method that can recognize faces in many conditions, instead of focusing on finding solutions to only solve 1-2 specialized problems."

Engineers have reviewed all the steps in the face recognition cycle, identifying the step that has the greatest impact on the final performance to focus on optimization, instead of spending a lot of time trying to improve each step in the cycle. submit.

Vietnamese people master technology and reach out to the world

Facial search and recognition technology is applied in Viettel AI products and services such as Viettel eKYC - an electronic identification and authentication service that allows users to register and use services directly in the digital environment. without having to go to transaction points. This technology has high accuracy and security, especially in the banking and finance sector.

Thanks to its ability to recognize faces well in many conditions, Viettel eKYC has supported authentication and face matching tasks to serve hundreds of thousands of new account registrations each month and eliminate cases of face fraud. for nefarious purposes.

NIST's assessment results and the technology's application potential are confirmation that Vietnamese people can completely master leading AI technologies and compete with large technology companies around the world. In the future, facial search and recognition technology will be able to support population management for provinces and cities such as retrieving criminals, detecting suspects or managing immigration.

"Viettel AI's technology is recognized as meeting international standards, sharing the rankings with leading international units, which will be a great motivation for us to constantly update technology and conquer higher rankings. and expand the potential for practical applications," a representative of the research team shared.

Not only facial recognition technology, Viettel AI is constantly developing and mastering other core AI technologies, aiming to build products that meet international standards, perfecting the AI ​​product and service ecosystem that promotes AI. Comprehensive digital transformation for the Government and businesses.

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