The Future of Legal Virtual Assistants Serving All Vietnamese People Is Getting Closer


The legal knowledge base creates a powerful Virtual Assistant

The Virtual Assistant software supporting Judges of the Supreme People's Court is built on the Vietnamese Virtual Assistant platform researched and mastered by Viettel's Data Service and Artificial Intelligence Center (Viettel AI). Integrated with deep learning AI technologies and developed according to the specific operations of the Court, the Virtual Assistant supporting Judges can understand and accurately respond to user requests.

In fact, the "soul" of a Virtual Assistant is the knowledge system of the specialized field. That knowledge is contained in documents, regulations, processes, and implementation methods of agencies and organizations... Virtual assistants will be loaded with data and learn from that data. Therefore, in addition to professional capacity, technology engineers themselves also need to understand the law to come up with ways to help AI (Artificial Intelligence) receive information.

When starting to develop, Viettel's technology experts did not fully understand how the legal system works nor did they have a clear idea of ​​the product's features. They had to consult judges at the Supreme People's Court, listen to the problems of courts from district to high court levels, and participate in extra classes on weekends like Law students... to learn specialized knowledge and understand the needs of users.

According to data from the Supreme People's Court, Virtual Assistant has integrated more than 173,000 legal documents; more than 22,000 questions and answers on legal situations have been contributed; more than 1.4 million judgments, and more than 26,000 discussion topics on legal situations. Virtual Assistant has more than 15,000 accounts granted to civil servants with judicial titles; 5.7 million questions and answers (average 10,000 - 15,000/day); and 500 uses of the judgment encryption feature every day.

Improving Vietnamese technology capacity to replicate the success of the Judge Virtual Assistant

In addition to the achieved results, Viettel AI representative said that the development team is continuing to improve the capacity of the Virtual Assistant to expand the application potential.

With the Judge Virtual Assistant, Viettel experts continue to apply large language model technology to the product to improve the ability to respond naturally as well as understand situations, find the most suitable documents, precedents, and judgments for judges. Virtual assistants are increasingly being deeply integrated into the Supreme People's Court's information technology systems, thereby connecting data and automating more in daily work to gradually become a centralized and comprehensive support tool in the Court System.

In addition to efforts to improve the capacity of Virtual Assistants to serve judges and the Court system, Viettel AI continues to add solutions for Virtual Assistants to serve the entire population. Viettel AI is aiming to shape and package the problems that people often encounter in the legal field, helping Virtual Assistants to provide correct and accurate advice. In addition to existing experiences, Virtual Assistants will also collaborate with experts and the community to continue learning and improving.

With the achievements made with Virtual Assistants for the Court sector, Viettel AI is continuing to perfect the Virtual Assistant solution based on a large language model to solve problems of ministries, agencies, organizations and businesses, meeting the needs of digital transformation and increasingly strong AI application in Vietnam.

Whether directly meeting the needs of the people or solving problems of state agencies and businesses, the ultimate goal of virtual assistants is still to improve the work efficiency of civil servants and improve the quality of life of the people. The efforts of Viettel technology experts are bringing that future closer to the Vietnamese people every day.

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